Monday, October 14, 2024


Thanksgiving Poem

My eyes are humbly opened I give my Living Redeemer thanks

For He is indeed The Ligitimate One

...and I am totally honoured to be in his favour

Without Him - I am sorrowfully unblessed

... and a self-condemned soul

I see wisely because of His Ever-generous Light

... and I gleefully accept His Everlasting Blessing

I hear His Faithful Call, and yes - I submit

...for His Grace is my food of love forever

I am joyously thankful to my true Yashua

...because He is The Dedicated Shephard of my being

Thanksgiving before the Sacred Light

... my gratified spirit illuminates with gladful praises

Homeage forever to Him for his Heavenly Promise

...I am soundly secured in His Name for evermore

I feast delightedly at His Bountiful Table

...enjoying the good food of His Precious Words

Holy Nourishment keeps me rejoicingly at His Side

...I am favourably in His Care for years to come

Thank You eternally - my Devine Saviour

©2024 Dennis Arthur Dames
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Sunrise Poem

A Poem About Sunrise

Sunrise of The Promising Light!

Dazzling star rise magestically above the horizon

...proudly sharing its lusty beam

Awake the clouds in varied shades of amber

...sparkling exquisitely toward the seashore

Exalted spectacle in ever-longing

...with a compatible brew of of the black gold

Exulted blessings in the celestial light

....behold another opportunity for redemption

Luminous spirit in sinc with the true promise...

...sunrise of glory and morning diamond

Honored witness and glowing soul

...elatedly rise with the light of eternal life

Illuminance of the heavenly city amiably renowned

...lightful morn of gracefulness and salvation

Embracing the forever light with delight...

Sunrise paradise forevermore endlessly yearning heart lights up to its core

©2024 Dennis Arthur Dames
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Thank You!

Thank You

Thank You poem

A Poem of Thanks and Praise

Pleased by your unselfish kindness

...valued memories of great deeds

Thankful heart gloriously rejoices the giving so divine

Thank you for your charitable love

...and your ever-generous hand

Esteemed angel in the rough

...praiseworthy spirit of inspiration

A graceful life of endless rewards

...suitable for the tender-hearted and just

I want to be favorably blessed in that number

...thus, I loyally keep my brothers

Thank you for your virtuous and kindly ways

... I now travel more sincerely in justice

The undying light of humanity

...shines endlessly in our Yahuah-fearing focus

Thank you for your healing help

...and your contageously pious strength

I am positively stronger and motivated firmly and gladly live by your holy example

© 2024 Dennis Arthur Dames
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Congratulations Poem

Congrats are in order...


Homage to the positive achiever
...applause's in fitting order
Exemplary labouring spirit
..admirablely busy soul

Showing confidently - not tritely telling!
Purposeful focus and firm determination
...reaping the fruit of blessed prosperity
Truly an icon of good citizenship
...deserved honor in timely order

Congratulations to a soldier of triumph
...humanity's truly graced
A conquer on the move still
...congrats - more to come

Happy family truly share in the recognition
...eternal memories of love shine
A true role model - a golden legacy secured
...unhidden gift to the valued posterity

Shining star of the ages
...role model of a just order
Bright symbol of meaningful fruition
...compliments on your feat mastery

©2024 Dennis Arthur Dames
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Win 49ers Win!

Niners Haiku


San Francisco 49ers One Goal

Yes, win niners win!

Win fair like a champion!

Winners great are you!

© 2024 Dennis Arthur Dames
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Sunday, September 1, 2024


A Poem about a Bahamian in The Bahamas

A Bahamian Poem by A Bahamian

Dennis Arthur Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas


Behold a gratified Bahamian!

Happily indulging in the revered island life

From the advent of my birth the time of my death

... I dwell gladly in my Bahama land - without regret

Daily routine of songs and prayers

Abiding in love and peacefullness

Family togetherness - a way of life

Living the divine ideals without strife

Neighbourly honour and respect

The virtue of peace is always on deck

We dwell in the soulful joy

...holding positively firm - day by day

For God is good to us - I say

I am a spirited Bahamian

Dedicated to exemplary citizenship

Richly contributing to a prosperous tomorrow

For the deserving Bahamian posterity

...our precious children and heirs so dear

©2024 Dennis Arthur Dames

Friday, August 30, 2024


Haiku of Salvation

The Devine Gift of Salvation

It's all about Life

The Gift of the Redeemer

Accept it or die

© 2024 Dennis Arthur Dames

Nassau, The Bahamas