Friday, October 22, 2010

Christmas Love

Reflecting on salvations’ occasion…
Man’s redeem because of the holy birth
God’s promise of the lasting covenant…
His only son for us imperfect souls

Christmas of the greatest gift forever…
Liberation from death celebrated
Son of a virgin and the king of kings…
Royalty of royalties, shining star

Emmanuel of harmony and love…
Songs of praise welcome the bequest of life
Singing to God, master of compassion…
The season illuminates thankfully

Sharing in joyful appreciation…
Peoples believing gather in accord
Christ for the longing hearts, tears of light shine…
Christmas of jubilance dominates fine

Reflections of sinners’ fate rescued…
Jesus the promise, Jesus the savior
Christmas tribute of sacrifice adored…
Love of heaven evermore replenish

Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas