Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Bahamas Independence July 10, 1973

Bahamas Independence Poem






July 10, 1973…

Sovereign, delightful and free!

The Bahamas, a promising new nation…

It’s people, jubilant and optimistic in its creation


As the Union Jack dissipates in celebration…

The atmosphere was of peaceful liberation

Young and autonomous…

A people embraced the challenge


Bahamians reside for evermore…

A homeland rich in ambition to its core

Determined to self-rule…

Deserving in opportunities and blessed


A country of Godly foundation…

Constructed to stand the test of time

An independent archipelago of visionaries…

Laws of righteousness to guide


Forward in dignity…

Upward in unity

Together in purpose…

Lasting in positive resolve


Bahamians of love…

Conquering the vices

Remembering the golden opportunity…

Of self-determination and victory


Relishing in foresight and accomplishments…

Conquering the foes of mediocrity and regression

The road to nobility and prosperity;

Seekers abound in our Bahama land


Independence to eternity…

Keeping the faith of our insightful forefathers

Bahamians remember always the reason,

Residing with our unique identity


In golden sunshine and inspirational breeze,

In fertile ocean, and valued rain

On soothing sand, and magnificent seashores…

Blessings are countless, and gifts endless


Independent Bahamas, for generations unending…

Thanking God for his outpouring love

Bahamians of exceptional heritage…

Upholding the faith of nationhood and deliverance





©2004-2023,2024... Dennis A. Dames

Nassau, The Bahamas