Shadows Poem
Shades of life and depictions in dynamic motion…
Dimly representing bodies and objects
Light reflecting with purpose revealing…
The dark resemblance fades in silence
Elements of reality in array of shapes…
Reminder of something else - something mysterious
Shadows daily, the sun’s impact control…
Lights of night produce their hidden tales unannounced
Shadows of mind, curious thoughts scramble for meaning…
Shadows of heart, uncertainties pass through
Shadows of the graceful life, and dimming silhouettes of the dead
Shadows of death, luminescence reigns in poor souls
Fruit of light, and of darkness; shadow reveals its respective judgements…
Existing everywhere, forming shades of the living and the dead
Without illumination, no images dread…
Dimness creates its innate enigma
Unilluminated bodies in wholly formed conundrum…
Decorate the intrigue with various emotions
Shadows of imagination’s delight…
Visions of the cryptic unknown fascinate still
©2003,2004-2023,2024,2025... Dennis A. Dames