Showing posts with label Soul Searching poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soul Searching poetry. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Soul Searching

Poem Soul Searching




Engulfed by circumstances…

Dominating the flow

Nowhere but here…

Unable to go


Isolated and “invisible”…

No one seems to give a damn

Searching deep within…

For answers hard to claim


A world of uncaring…

Personalities known pass by

Not a hail or a smile…


Recently things were different

I had it all…

Friends, family and the likes


I gave it all…

To anyone in need

Now all is gone…

The word is out!


Phone stop ringing…

No one’s looking for me now

Thank God for the wisdom…

And the welcomed company!




©2003,2004-2023,2024... Dennis A. Dames