Showing posts with label poem Waiting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poem Waiting. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Waiting Patiently

Poem: Waiting Patiently




In anticipation of good news…

The moment of truth eludes

More time for quiet reflection…

And the test of patience too


The hands of destiny controls the tempo…

I’m helpless in its grip

Tolerantly the prize I wait…

Remembering so clear the old adage:

Good things come indeed…

To those who uncomplainingly wait


Inventory of self…

Preparing for the challenge

One’s on the horizon…

Soon to be manifest


Put in order until then…

Praying for readiness and endurance

Unwearyingly in gear…

For the new day and a fresh start


Oh the waiting…

The hearty experience

…Is worth relating




©2003,2004-2023,2024... Dennis A. Dames