Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I Feel Like Writing a Poem

Poem: I feel like writing a poem




I feel like writing a poem...

Something about the way I feel

Something about the things I see...

Something about the thankfulness for good health...

And good feelings


I feel like writing a poem...

Because I am alive

A thought about love...

Happiness and more


I feel like writing a poem...

Everyone’s around enjoying the moments

Wonders of life...

Experiences to treasure


I feel like writing a poem...

Zephyr is so comforting

The breeze of heaven and the faithful sun...

The ocean's so enticing


Time's being transformed...

Into words of appreciation

The future... only a heart beat away

Every moment in time...

Is poetic and real


I feel like writing a poem...

About something to treasure...

The joy that brings humbleness and prayer

To a soul in need of sustenance




©2002, 2003, 2004-2023,2024... Dennis A. Dames 


Poem Why?



The word of curiosity…

The symbol of insights

We want to know…

That’s why we ask


Full of knowledge…

The answers wait

Not always welcoming…

It’s the response still


Seeking the truth…

Being nosey

Inquisitive to a specific end…

In search to ease a vexing dilemma



The heart of the spirit

The soul’s working…

And compiling comprehension


The more we identify…

The further we don’t

 We’re consumed…

 By issues infinite




©2003,2004-2023,2024... Dennis A. Dames 

The Web

Poem: The Web


The web is where I am
doing all things that I can

The web is where I shall be
growing like a big strong tree


The web is relatively new
and where opportunities spew

The web is for me
and for you!


Who invented this web for sure
was it really Al Gore?

It really doesn't matter…

As it's everyone's platter


The web was handed to all
both big and small

The future is bright hence
so, don't just sit on a fence


Take advantage of the web
while the sun is just over head!





©2003,2004-2023,2024... Dennis Arthur Dames 

Waves on a Roll

Poem: Waves on a roll…



Waves on a roll


Frosty gush briskly curls athwart the reef…

Romantically hushed theater with breathtaking vigor

Keen to the superb moment…

Rolling waves with splendid fondness

… A revered domain with thoughts complete


Energy flow mightily in adulation…

Revealing the power of serene mystery

Quietly impressive with dazzling skies…

A depiction of priceless attraction


Power and grandeur colorfully naked…

Gifted ocean acclaimed and trusted

Rich in inspired presence, and comforting surprise…

Flowing in authentic fortunes valued and dear


Ocean dynamic and enthusiastic…

Ingenious splash the end awe touch

Sight remarkable wet and wild…

Cozy wind flows like love in action


I witnessed the amazement with full approval…

…and I pray for more waves of devout marvel

The ones that speak liberty and harmony

…and emphasize the superb day with insightful gusto



©2006-2021-2023,2024... Dennis Arthur Dames 

Waiting Patiently

Poem: Waiting Patiently




In anticipation of good news…

The moment of truth eludes

More time for quiet reflection…

And the test of patience too


The hands of destiny controls the tempo…

I’m helpless in its grip

Tolerantly the prize I wait…

Remembering so clear the old adage:

Good things come indeed…

To those who uncomplainingly wait


Inventory of self…

Preparing for the challenge

One’s on the horizon…

Soon to be manifest


Put in order until then…

Praying for readiness and endurance

Unwearyingly in gear…

For the new day and a fresh start


Oh the waiting…

The hearty experience

…Is worth relating




©2003,2004-2023,2024... Dennis A. Dames 

True Friends

Poem: True Friends




Soldiers in life…

Victorious in battles

Brothers and sisters… worthy proved

Hearts are golden, pure and true!


In distressful times…

They’re on my side

Dependable really…

Unmatched collateral


Faithful beyond duty…

Practicing the art truthfully

Existing to support…

Maintaining a strong foundation


True brotherhood…

Kindness supreme

Ports of security…

People esteemed


God sent…

In every livable respect

True friends…

Prized possessions




©2003,2004-2023,2024... Dennis A. Dames 

Tribute to Michael Jackson

A Tribute to Michael Jackson

King of popular music
…master of the big stage
Entertainer extraordinaire
…with deep and wide appeal

Michael Jackson, the cultural icon
…transcended all barriers with approval
Renowned and treasured
…a rare talent undying

Tears for a fallen star…
…travelling gloriously beyond
Celebration for his inestimable gifts
…peoples love Michael Jackson

A revolutionary in song…
…an activist of note
A generation pleased
…with the masterful virtuoso

Michael Jackson, the spirit of groove
…his music of verve
…wakes up the dead

Moonwalking the will…
…paving the way
Eliminating the barriers
...of discrimination
…one prized piece at a time

His unifying music
…consolidative and curative
Thank you Michael for it all
Sleep well my brother
…we shall met again
…in timeless elation

Until then, the king of pop reigns
…in our distinct hearts
With celebrated admiration and awe
…forever prized and sanctified

©2009-2020-2023,2024... Dennis A. Dames